Enrolling in healthcare coverage through the Affordable Care Act (ACA) marketplace can be a complex process, and there are many common mistakes that individuals make that can impact their coverage and out-of-pocket costs. In this article, we will discuss common mistakes to avoid when enrolling in ACA coverage and how to fix them.

  1. Not Checking Eligibility Requirements: One of the most common mistakes individuals make when enrolling in ACA coverage is not checking their eligibility requirements. To qualify for ACA coverage, individuals must be U.S. citizens or legal residents and cannot be eligible for other government health insurance programs such as Medicare or Medicaid. It’s important to check your eligibility requirements before enrolling in coverage to avoid being denied coverage or having your coverage terminated.
  2. Missing the Open Enrollment Period: Another common mistake is missing the open enrollment period. The open enrollment period typically runs from November 1st to December 15th of each year, and individuals who miss this window may not be able to enroll in coverage until the next open enrollment period. It’s important to mark your calendar and enroll in coverage during the open enrollment period to avoid gaps in coverage.
  3. Not Shopping Around for the Best Plan: Another mistake is not shopping around for the best ACA plan. The ACA marketplace offers a variety of health insurance plans with different premiums, deductibles, and out-of-pocket costs. It’s important to compare plans and choose the one that best fits your healthcare needs and financial situation.
  4. Not Reporting Changes in Income or Household Size: Another mistake is not reporting changes in income or household size. Changes in income or household size can impact your eligibility for subsidies or change the amount of your premium tax credit. It’s important to report any changes in income or household size to ensure that you receive the correct amount of financial assistance.
  5. Failing to Pay Premiums on Time: Finally, failing to pay premiums on time can result in the termination of your coverage. It’s important to make sure that you pay your premiums on time to avoid gaps in coverage or termination of your coverage.

How to Fix Mistakes:

If you have made a mistake when enrolling in ACA coverage, it’s important to fix it as soon as possible. You can fix most mistakes by contacting your insurance provider or the ACA marketplace directly. For example, if you missed the open enrollment period, you may be able to enroll in coverage through a special enrollment period if you experience a qualifying life event such as the birth of a child or the loss of a job. If you failed to report changes in income or household size, you can update your information through the ACA marketplace or your insurance provider.

In conclusion, enrolling in ACA coverage can be a complex process, but there are common mistakes that can be avoided with proper preparation and attention to detail. By checking your eligibility requirements, enrolling during the open enrollment period, shopping around for the best plan, reporting changes in income or household size, and paying your premiums on time, you can avoid common mistakes and ensure that you have access to the care you need to stay healthy and well.